TEDX Zurich: Audience Experience Partner
“We need your voice and action. TEDxZurich in partnership with Junior Chamber International Switzerland dedicates part of the Audience Experience this year to the cause of Sustainable Development Goals, with a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. At registration you have chosen the Goals you feel are most relevant to the Swiss community. With support of JCI team you will have time and space to engage deeply and creatively to look for transformative solutions for these Goals, voice your concern or share knowledge. If you want to act and do not know where to start, connect with us for impact. JCI is living, communicating, taking action and creating impact in communities worldwide. The JCI Central Switzerland team is supporting TEDxZurich this year, so please come and connect with us.” TEDX Zurich 2018 Conference Booklet
In year 2018 JCI Central Switzerland started engaging with local community on UN SDGs. With that we were appointed as one of the official Audience Experience partners of TEDX Zurich 2018. TEDX maintain high standars of their events and this was a great responsibility, as well as a great opportunity to represent what JCI stands for and trained us for - in action-.TEDX Zurich 2018 theme was "Connection" and their team wanted to leave a lasting impact on the audience and help advance the Global Goals. We were honoured and excited for the trust and the cause. SRF studio opened doors to more than 500 people interested in modern day challenges in society, impact, looking for new horizons and impressions. For this challenge JCI CS stepped up to engage a larger JCIS team covering members nation wide (more than 6 LOMs and many members pitched in) with support of National Board. Our task was to find way to introduce TEDX Zurich audience to Global Goals with lasting impact in breaks between the TED Talks on the day of the conference. We chose an open conference concept where people can propose solutions, ask questions, share experience in SDGs corner we created in allocated space. Each participant had to choose 4 SDGs they consider to be most relevant for their community and further had an opportunity to engage deeply and creatively as to how the chosen 4SDGs concern them and connection with the rest. Team created a number of unique props and involved powerful visuals for lasting impressions and mind warm up. For this project we had support of Swiss Confederation with photo visuals who gave us Photo Exhibition on SDGs in Switzerland by Dario Lanfranconi (https://www.eda.admin.ch/dam/agenda2030/de/documents/recent/fotoausstellung-lanfranconi_DE.pdf) and even received permission from Australian artist Anna Trundle to use her mural design for the cause. We were engaging with people who wanted to learn more about all of the SDGs, which are more relevant to their communities, how to make local impact. It was a great opportunity for awareness on Global Goals considering the size of TEDX Zurich, SRF studio and partners audience including social media buzz and follow ups. People were wonderful and we have become even more convinced that such awareness campaigns are more than worth it to put our effort in. JCI CS created a special webpage where people interested in local impact and projects could leave contacts. As unexpected by-product of this event was more awareness of JCI activities and skills, as people of all backgrounds and ages are interested to change the world and just sometimes do not know where to start. JCI can definitely help answer those questions.